Ministry Mapping

]Logo Ministry Mapping

moving your church forward by… 

  • Exploring your uniqueness
  • Examining biblical principles
  • Envisioning your next steps
  • Engaging in Christ’s mission

A map is a great tool. It can help us understand where we are and help us discover how to get to where we want to go, whether across the mall, across town or across the country.

Like any journey, ministry is most fruitful when we have a clear destination in mind and understand the resources we have and the steps needed to get there.

Ministry Mapping is a process to help a church discover where they are and where the Lord of the church is leading them.

Speaking to His disciples on the necessity of counting the costs in following Him, Jesus appeals to the common wisdom of a builder carefully estimating the cost of a project or a king evaluating his military strength before going to war (Luke 14:25-33). In the same way a church needs to periodically take stock of where they are, where they are heading, and the costs in following Christ in His mission.

Ministry Mapping brings a trained team alongside the church to assist in navigating the entire process and to provide perspective, insight, and guidance to strengthen the church for the journey.

Exploring Your Uniqueness

You-Are-Here-v21-205x287When standing at the map in the mall it is equally important to know not only the location of the store where you want to shop, but it is also important to find the big red “You Are Here” arrow. Ministry Mapping identifies your current location through the review of vital statistics, documents, surveys, and focus groups, all in an effort to understand how God has uniquely equipped the church to join Him in His mission.


Examining Biblical Principles

Mile-Marker-1Although the Scriptures do not provide a roadmap for the church, they do provide principles for ministry that are vital for the health and fruitfulness of a church in any cultural setting. Healthy churches intentionally apply these principles to their own unique setting in order to faithfully carry out the mission God has given to them. Ministry Mapping provides mile markers of progress in living out these principles as the church takes steps toward its vision. 

Envisioning Your Next Steps

VisionandMissionHealthy churches are united by a singleness of mission and a unified vision of how the Lord wants to accomplish His work through them. “Going off in many different directions” characterizes the various ministries in unhealthy churches.

Ministry Mapping assists a church to align its ministries to its values, mission, and vision resulting in clarity of focus, unity, and synergy in accomplishing Christ’s mission. Ministry Mapping highlights major roadblocks that must be addressed so the church can accomplish its mission. It will also guide the church in formulating the practical steps to move forward to engage Christ’s mission. 

Engaging Christ’s Mission

bigstock-Mission-and-business-2At the heart of Ministry Mapping is the conviction that Christ is still on a mission in this world to “seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). The church joins Christ in this mission as outlined in the Great Commission (Matt. 28: 18-20). This is the mission that Christ has for every church. The faithful church will seek to understand how Christ has equipped them to join Him in this journey. That is what Ministry Mapping is all about.

Every journey begins by taking the first step. Contact the Rocky Mountain Church Network to learn more about Ministry Mapping and how we can join you on your journey in following Christ and His mandate to make disciples of all nations. It’s a journey worth taking!

Contact us for more information!

Ministry Mapping Includes: *

Pre-Assessment Preparation & Information Gathering

  • Ministry Mapping Timeline
  • Leadership Community Worksheet
  • Ministries, Programs and Events Inventory
  • Church Data and History Worksheet
  • Pastoral Staff Profile Worksheets
  • Basic Grip-Birkman Gifting & Personality Profile for Pastoral Staff

Internet Survey Service

  • Creation and Maintenance of Internet Survey
  • Printed version of the survey for the church to reproduce and distribute as needed.

Ministry Mapping Report

  • Collation of pre-assessment data
  • Collation of internet survey data
  • MissionInsite community demographics

Onsite Assessment – 2-3 days

  • Tour and assessment of facilities
  • Staff interviews
  • Focus groups based upon multiple areas of affinity
  • Church leadership team briefing/training
  • Assessment analysis
  • Presentation of results including prescriptions

Suggested Ministry Mapping Fees
(Based upon average worship attendance)
Regular Fee Discounted Fee1 Supporting Churches3
Up to 199 $5,000
plus expenses2
plus expenses2
plus expenses3
200 to 499 $7,000
plus expenses2
plus expenses2
plus expenses3
500 and 799 $8,000
plus expenses2
plus expenses2
plus expenses3
+800 To be negotiated To be negotiated Free
plus expenses3

1 DISCOUNT – There is a minimum 20% Discount off these fees for active Leadership Community participants’ churches and supporting Network churches.

2 EXPENSES –  Include but are not limited to travel, housing & meals for the Onsite Team. Any extraordinary expenses will be discussed prior to the onsite visit.
3 SUPPORTING CHURCHES – Supporting Churches may receive one Ministry Mapping every three years. We are asking supporting churches to cover the Mapping Teams onsite expenses including housing, meals and travel. For churches that are unable to cover these expenses we will discuss options.

*   Please note that coaching and support of the prescriptions is an additional cost and will be negotiated upon acceptance of the prescriptions.