Wow, am I glad June 2015 is done and over with!

Stan Updated Photo

I spent nearly two weeks in the Northeast seeing how God is working through churches and church leaders to make a greater Gospel impact. It was truly exciting.   Although to experience that joy not only was I away from home and family, driving nearly 2,000 miles (for which you get double points since it is the congested Northeast), but I also endured an undiagnosed gallbladder attack.

I returned to Colorado anticipating a quick trip to Wyoming to work with First Baptist of Basin as they navigate a pastoral transition. Kent Dempsey has had a great ministry in Basin and the church is healthy, but due to his desire to care for aging parents, Kent is stepping into an associate role.

While staying in Powell, WY with our son and family, preparing for the meeting with the leaders and Pastoral Search Committee on Friday night, I experienced a full on gallbladder attack. Our son, a surgeon, recognized the seriousness of the situation so with a swig of whiskey and knives from the kitchen we cleared off the dining room table and he cut that sucker out! Ok, maybe it was not quite like that, but I did get to enjoy the accommodations and care of the staff at the local hospital. And yes, my son did end up removing the gallbladder.

Unfortunately, due to the surgery, I was not able to speak at Good News Community Church on Sunday as was planned. My apologies to their pastor, Matthew Fite, who was on a month long sabbatical. I trust he received the rest and refreshment that was so well deserved. Thanks to Lorrie Schroeder for assuring me that they would cover for my human frailty.

We just finished two days of meeting with the other directors of the CBAmerica missional network. Very valuable time spent bringing clarity of mission and vision. Please note the statement published by the CBA Board with regard to the Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage. There are several resources there that each church needs to process as soon as possible.

I would love to hear from you. What is going on in your church? How can we as a region best assist you in the days ahead? I would love to come share with you, your leadership or your congregation what God is doing through the region to increase Kingdom impact and ministry vitality in these challenging days.

Stan Rieb
Executive Director