Dear Rocky Mountain Church Network Family: As chairman of the RMCN board I’m writing this letter on behalf of our Regional Executive Director, Stan Rieb, and the RMCN. The RMCN supports regional churches in many ways. The RMCN vision is: We envision a network of vibrant churches empowered by God and mobilized by passionate spiritual leaders, living out the gospel by serving their communities and making disciples of Jesus Christ to the glory of God.
Thus RMCN provides guidance and resources for pastoral searches, assessments for churches, ministry mapping, coaching for pastors, leadership learning communities, counseling and resources for struggling churches and pastors, and organizes the occasional regional leadership retreat for pastors, staff and their wives. All of this boils down to one goal: to produce healthy and vibrant pastors and churches. Stan is at the center facilitating the mission and has made great progress this past year in contacting and encouraging member churches. My church has been the recipient of Stan’s expertise and is now experiencing growth in several areas for the first time in four years. In our meeting last week, however, Stan informed me that we had to dip into our investments. As a board we knew this day was coming but feel fortunate to have reserves to draw on. So as a member church, I am asking you to consider a one-time financial gift, increase your current financial commitment or placing RMCN on your missions and outreach budget. As you invest in RMCN, you are investing in God’s kingdom work in our region. Please keep Stan and RMCN in your prayers. May God richly bless you as you seek to make disciples through sharing and living out the gospel. Sincerely in Christ,