Summer News at Good News Church

gnc%201With summer getting closer, we start thinking about our favorite outdoor activities. As we fire up our backyard grills, we anticipate the fun, food and fellowship this entails. Good News Church has decided to add a twist to this summertime tradition. They see it as an opportunity to reach their neighbors for Christ.

The plan is to encourage everyone in the church to throw a BBQ party and invite their neighbors. This is an easy, low-key way to get to know the people that live in their area. Many people today are so busy with their lives that they don’t even know who their neighbors are. This may be the first time they actually have a conversation with one another.

The bigger goal of these parties is to make a connection to the people in their neighborhoods. As these relationships develop,  they progress into a natural flow of inviting them to church and into a saving relationship with Jesus.

Please join Good News Church in praying for a huge turnout of participation, open hearts of neighbors and lots of people meeting Jesus.

The church is also looking at the possibility of starting a new outreach program for their community. They would like to provide a night out once a month for parents of special-needs children. There is nothing like this in the North Denver area. The church is working with a non-profit called Night Lights. Please pray as they explore this new opportunity.

Good News Church has had several people make a commitment to Jesus, however, they are not following in obedience of baptism. Please pray for hearts to be changed.

The church is also working with a dozen other churches to do a Youth Ministry event. Pray for the necessary strength and guidance as they are leading out on this project.

Pastor Matthew is taking a sabbatical for the month of June. Pray for it to be healthy and beneficial for both him and the entire church.


On The Spot

As submitted to the May 2015 issue of Military Officer by Chaplain Andy Meverden

Through his quick thinking – and his knowledge of military lore – a chaplain in the Army National Guard is able to keep a Vietnam veteran’s burial honors on track.

At the height of the war on terrorism, most military funeral honors for Army veterans were performed by the National Guard. As a Colorado Army National Guard chaplain, I often served as detail leader, folding and presenting the flag to the next of kin.

One day I arrived, per regulation, an hour before the inurnment of a Vietnam veteran. The funeral director pointed out the site of the columbarium and shared specific details of this ceremony. The decedent, a Denver native, had only one surviving brother, who was homeless and mentally ill. The funeral home had helped the brother prepare for the service with a shave, a haircut, and a new suit.

Read the full story here


Recon 50 Memorial

 Vietnamby Chaplain Jon Uyboro


This past April, over 200 Vietnam Veterans gathered at Camp Pendleton to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the involvement of Reconnaissance Marines in Vietnam. It was a bittersweet time for many of these men as they were able to reconnect with old friends, but were also reminded of their brothers-in-arms who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Read the full story here


Estate Planning for Christians

Estate Planning for Christians

Estate planning

Most Christians want to leave a gift to their church from their estate.  The trouble is they don’t know how to do it, and they are afraid of being pressured into something different or more than what they are comfortable with.

You can help your church people and constituents overcome the barriers to estate planning.  With EXCEL’s Estate Planning for Christians you can help replace ignorance, fear and confusion with knowledge, confidence, and clarity.

This two-hour seminar explains why it is important for Christians to have a will and start planning the stewardship of their estates.

Every participant will . . .

  • Discover that estate planning is simpler than they thought
  • Be motivated to take the next step in wise stewardship of their estate
  • Learn how they can leave something for their children and grandchildren while helping God’s kingdom, too
  • Receive references to Christian attorneys and other professionals in their area dedicated to helping them make good decisions that are biblical, practical, and tax-wise

The Estate Planning for Christians seminar and package includes one-hour follow-up appointments for every attendee who wants to take the next step and work with a Christian Stewardship Professional in a confidential setting.

Discover . . .

  • Estate Design Process
  • Biblical Priorities of Estate Planning
  • Five Biblical Principles of Estate Planning
  • Five Basic Types of Property
  • Five Ways a Steward Holds Title to Property
  • Ways Property is Distributed at Death
  • Priority in Property Transfers
  • Reasons Every Christian Needs a Will
  • How to Choose a Personal Representative/Trustee
  • How to Choose a Guardian
  • Trusts for Minor Children
  • Other Estate Planning Documents
  • Living Trusts
  • Revocable Living Trusts
  • Charitable Trusts
  • Basic Estate Tax Rules and How to Save Taxes
  • Business Estate Planning
  • The Four “P’s” of Estate Planning

Every seminar package includes printed information and promotional helps for the church, detailed handouts for all seminar attendees, and a Confidential Estate Inventory for individuals making appointments.

Personal, Confidential, One-on-One Follow-up Appointments
include a review of the 11-page “Confidential Estate Inventory” with each person covering the key areas of

  • People
  • Property
  • Plans
  • Planners

Your church or organization will reap the benefits of your members’ generosity, if only you will take the first step to help them.  Contact EXCEL now through this web site or call 1 866-EXCEL today for pricing information.  There is no obligation.