MealTrain Can Help Churches Reach Their Communities

mealtrain_calendarMeal Train is a tool to use to organize meals for a friend after a birth, surgery or illness.
When a friend is in need, everyone asks “What can I do to help?” The answer is always to make a meal. When many friends make and deliver a meal, this is a meal train.
This website helpsĀ eliminate confusion and increase support. A shared Meal Train calendar and meal instructions answer questions in advance like, What do they like? When are they available? What have they already had? Are there any allergies? and When should I drop off a meal?

By setting it all up on a website, people in the church and community can get involved.

This is where the church can minister to people in and outside of their congregation. When there is a need, the church can set up a meal train for that person and then let others know how they can help. People from the church then sign up to help and they can also share the website with their friends. The original family may start getting help from people they don’t even know.

For more information go to


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